What is the standard height for a shed in Australia?
And choosing a height guide.
- admin-p
- April 19, 2024
In Australia, there are no collectively recognised shed heights. Local councils have regulations and guidelines for shed heights and may have specific rules that need to be complied with for your area when building a new shed. Shed height regulations and guidelines can vary depending on the local council and each local council has its own set of rules and requirements for structures, including sheds, within its jurisdiction.
If you are planning to build a shed, it’s important to check with your local council or relevant authorities. If there are specific height restrictions and guidelines that apply to your area, you can ensure that your structures meet safety standards, alternatively leave it to the professional. As it can be overwhelming for a someone, who hasn’t got the knowledge or time to negotiate the sometimes-complicated rules and restrictions of local councils. This is where The Shed Guru comes in as your shining light, who can point you in the right direction and get the guidance and advice you need.
Having said the above, a standard shed for a standard family car would have a 2.4 metre eave or gutter height and is the shed height used for most standard builds. You will need a minimum of 2.0 metres for the roller door opening, and a 2.4 metre shed will give you that, just. In most case The Guru recommends forward planning and considering adding a small adjustment to your eave/gutter height at planning, in case there is a car change or upgrade in the future. It is amazing the value a few 100mm can make to a property at sale time also, thinking of it as a small investment for the future.
If you drive a 4WD, you will want to increase the gutter to around 2.7 meters. This will give you an entry height of approximately 2.3 meters. Consider using one of The Shed Guru’s favourite sayings “Your better off looking at it, then for it when it comes to shed height”.
So, simply put, the main rule is to plan ahead, and keep in mind what changes may come in the near future. A small investment at the build stage can save time, money, and stress later down the track.